Research and thesis writing activities include activities 1) preparation of thesis research proposals, 2) research to prepare a thesis, as well as 3) elaboration of the thesis and writing scientific articles for publication. The scheme and assessment flow can be seen in Figure 1

In preparing the thesis research proposal, students will present their research proposals in a class seminar forum to receive feedback and improvements. The next stage is the comprehensive exam (closed) attended by 3 examiners. In this exam, an assessment of the research eligibility and the students’ knowledge related to theory and understanding of research will be conducted. The exam results will be stated as Pass or Fail. If the comprehensive exam is declared Passed, whether without or with corrections, then the student can proceed to the research stage. However, the proposed research improvements must be approved by the examiners within a maximum of 1 month. If the time limit is exceeded, the student must retake the comprehensive exam. If the comprehensive exam is declared Not Passed, the student must retake the comprehensive exam.
Students who will take part in the Thesis Research Proposal Seminar must register on the following form: Thesis Research Proposal Form.
Students who have conducted a research proposal seminar are eligible to take a comprehensive examination. For this reason, students who will take a comprehensive examination must register through the comprehensive examination registration form.
In line with students conducting research, once the data is sufficient, students are required to hold a progress seminar on their research openly in a class seminar forum to receive suggestions and feedback regarding their research. After completing the entire research process, students are required to write a thesis and produce at least one article in English based on their thesis research, which must be submitted to a scientific journal that is at least accredited by SINTA as a requirement for the thesis examination. The submitted status must be evidenced by communication results and/or a letter from the editor accompanied by the manuscript. The final stage is the thesis examination (closed) with 3 lecturers (2 supervisors and 1 examiner). The assessment of the thesis examination includes the research proposal and seminar (maximum score of 10); implementation of research (maximum score of 25); thesis seminar (maximum score of 10); thesis manuscript (maximum score of 25); and thesis examination (maximum score of 30). The examining lecturer only assesses the manuscript and the thesis examination. The average result from the three examiners is converted into letter grades: A (≥ 85); A- (82 – 84); A/B (79 – 81); B+ (76 – 78); B (73 – 75); B- (70 – 72); B/C (67 – 69); C+ (64 – 66); and C. (61 – 63).