Setyowati, E. A., Isnansetyo, A., Djohan, T. S., & Nurcahyo, R. W. | Antimalarial activity of microalgae extracts based on inhibition of PfMQO, a mitochondrial Plasmodium falciparum enzyme. | 2019 | Pharmacognosy Journal, 11(6s). |
Kasanah, N., & Triyanto, T. | Bioactivities of halometabolites from marine actinobacteria. | 2019 | Biomolecules, 9(6), 225. |
Agustiar, A. A., Faturrohmah, I., Sari, B. W., Isnaini, N. B., Puspita, I. D., & Husni, T. A. | Increasing chitinase activity of Serratia marcescens PT-6 through optimization of medium composition. | 2019 | Squalen Bull Mar Fish Postharvest Biotech, 14(3), 113-120. |
Istiqomah, I., Isnansetyo, A., Atitus, I. N., & Rohman, A. F. | Isolation of cellulolytic bacterium Staphylococcus sp. JC20 from the intestine of octopus (Octopus sp.) for fish probiotic candidate. | 2019 | Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 21(2), 93-98. |
Yudiati, E., Isnansetyo, A., Murwantoko, Triyanto, & Handayani, C. R. | Alginate from Sargassum siliquosum simultaneously stimulates innate immunity, upregulates immune genes, and enhances resistance of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) | 2019 | Marine biotechnology, 21(4), 503-514. |
Hamdillah, A., Isnansetyo, A., Istiqomah, I., Puspita, I. D., Handayani, D. P., & Kaneko, T. | Antibacterial activity of coastal plants and marine sponges from Kei Island Indonesia against bacterial fish pathogens. | 2019 | Pharmacognosy Journal, 11(4). |
Kasanah, N., Amelia, W., Mukminin, A., Triyanto, & Isnansetyo, A. | Antibacterial activity of Indonesian red algae Gracilaria edulis against bacterial fish pathogens and characterization of active fractions. | 2019 | Natural product research, 33(22), 3303-3307. |
Suhaila, K., Husni, A., & Sinurat, E. | Characteristics and antioxidant activity of fucoidan from the brown seaweed Sargassum hystrix. | 2019 | AACL Bioflux, 12(6), 2319-2329. |
Widigdo, B., Ekasari, J., & Isnansetyo, A. | Correlation of major mineral properties in brackish water ponds environment and Pacific white shrimp Litopenaues vannamei survival, growth and production. | 2019 | Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11(6), 38-46. |
Purbomartono, C., & Isnansetyo, A. | Dietary fucoidan from Padina boergesenii to enhance non-specific immune of catfish (Clarias sp.). | 2019 | Journal of Biological Sciences, 19(2), 173-180. |
Setyati, W. A., Martani, E. R. N. I., Triyanto, Z. M., Puspita, M., Suryono, C. A., & Subagyo, P. D. | Genetic heterogeneity of proteolytic bacteria isolated from sediments mangrove areas based on repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction and 16S-rRNA gene sequences. | 2019 | Biodiversitas, 20(11), 3256-3261. |
Istiqomah, I., Isnansetyo, A., Atitus, I. N., & Rohman, A. F. | Isolation of cellulolytic bacterium Staphylococcus sp. JC20 from the intestine of octopus (Octopus sp.) for fish probiotic candidate. | 2019 | Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 21(2), 93-98. |
Naoki, H., Akiyama, R., Sari, D. W. K., Ishii, S., Bessho, Y., & Matsui, T. | Noise-resistant developmental reproducibility in vertebrate somite formation. | 2019 | PLOS Computational Biology, 15(2), e1006579. |
Suadi, S., Saksono, H., & Triyatmo, B. | Perception-based Indicator for Sustainability of Shrimp Culture in the Less Favorable Areas at Southern Coast of Yogyakarta. | 2019 | Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 21(2), 53-64. |
Yasa, N. S., Isnansetyo, A., Handayani, N. S. N., Triastutik, G., & Anshory, L. | Physiological stress response and gene expression of the Hsp70 and Hsp90 in abalone Haliotis squamata under thermal shock. | 2019 | Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation, 12(5), 1672-1687. |
Setyobudi, E. K. O., Rohmah, I., Syarifah, R. F., Ramatia, L., MURWANTOKO, M., & Sari, D. W. K. | Presence of Anisakis nematode larvae in Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger spp.) along the Indian Ocean southern coast of East Java, Indonesia. | 2019 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 20(1), 313-319. |
Husni, A., Lailatussifa, R., & Isnansetyo, A. | Sargassum hystrix as a source of functional food to improve blood biochemistry profiles of rats under stress. | 2019 | Preventive Nutrition and Food Science, 24(2), 150. |
Hardi, E. H., Nugroho, R. A., Isnansetyo, A., Agriandini, M., Kusuma, I. W., & Sidik, A. S. | Simultaneous administration of Boesenbergia pandurata extract and vaccination to stimulate immune response in tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. | 2019 | Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS, 22(9), 419-426. |
Dr. Susilo Budi Priyono, S.Pi., M.Si. (1) Prof. Dr. Ir. Rustadi, M.Sc. (2) Dr. Ir. Triyanto, M.Si. (3) Prof. Dr. Sudarmadji, M.Eng.Sc. (4) | The application of groundwater availability and quality indices on the pre-selection of sustainable Whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) ponds in the sandy coastal area of Bantul, Indonesia. | 2019 | AACL Bioflux 12(6) |
Isnansetyo, A., Istiqomah, I., Widaningroem, R., Triyanto, T., Safia, R. A., Yosita, R., & Helmiati, S. | Toxicity Test for Evaluating Food Safety of New Edible Seaweeds, Enteromorpha sp. and Laurencia sp. | 2019 | Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 21(1), 31-34. |
Sahubawa, L., Triyatmo, B., & Ambarwati, E. | Bioconversion and Bioeconomic of Wastewater from Red Tilapia Aquaculture on the Aquaponics System as Source of Nutrient in Green Mustard Growth. | 2020 | In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 147, p. 01013). EDP Sciences. |
LUTFIA, F. N. L., Isnansetyo, A., Susidarti, R. A., & Nursid, M. | Chemical composition diversity of fucoidans isolated from three tropical brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) species. | 2020 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 21(7). |
Triyatmo, B., & Isnansetyo, A. | Effects of Probiotic Dosage on Water Quality, Total Count of Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp. in Eel Anguilla bicolor Cultivation. | 2020 | In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 147, p. 01008). EDP Sciences. |
Sudargo, T., Isnansetyo, A., Puspita, I. D., Budiyanti, S. A., Muslichah, R., & Aristasari, T. | Effects of Supplementation with Furikake Ulvamina Made of Algae (Ulva sp.) and Tuna (Thunnini) on Cognitive Function of Malnourished Mice (Rattus norvegicus). | 2020 | Current Research in Nutrition & Food Science, 8(2). |
Helmiati, S., Rustadi, R., Isnansetyo, A., & Zulprizal, Z. | Evaluasi kandungan nutrien dan antinutrien tepung daun kelor terfermentasi sebagai bahan baku pakan ikan. | 2020 | Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 22(2), 149-158. |
Ayuningrum, S. B., Istiqomah, I., Rustadi, R., Triyatmo, B., Isnansetyo, A., Budhijanto, W., & Deendarlianto, D. | Protective Effect of Microbubble Aeration and Dietary Probiotics BALSS on Survival and Immunity of White Leg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Postlarvae against Acute Low Salinity Stress. | 2020 | Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 22(1), 1-7. |
Helmiati, S., Rustadi, Isnansetyo, A., & Zuprizal. | Replacement of fish meal with fermented Moringa leaves meal and its effect on the growth performance of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.). | 2020 | AACL Bioflux, 2020, Volume 13, Issue 3. |
MULIA, D. S., Isnansetyo, A., PRATIWI, R., & ASMARA, W. | Antibiotic resistance of Aeromonas spp. isolated from diseased walking catfish (Clarias sp.). | 2021 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 22(11). |
Sari, S. L. A., Triyanto, T., Zuprizal, Z., & Prijambada, I. D. | Cellulolytic and mannanolytic aerobic bacteria isolated from Buffalo rumen (Bubalus babalis) and its potency to degrade fiber in palm kernel meal. | 2021 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 22(7). |
Husni, A., Pamungkas, B., Sinurat, E., & Isnansetyo, A. | Characteristics and cytotoxic activity of fucoidan from the brown seaweed Sargassum Hystrix against MCF-7 breast Cancer cells. | 2021 | Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research, |
Bimasuci, H., Adharini, R. I., & Sari, D. W. K. | Characteristics of Semi-Refined Carrageenan From Kappaphycus Seaweed Farmed in Coastal Waters of Northern Java, Indonesia. | 2021 | Asian Fisheries Science, 34(3). |
Sudargo, T., Aulia, B., Prameswari, A. A., Isnansetyo, A., Puspita, I. D., & Budiyanti, S. A. | Effect of administration of chaguro made of chayote (Sechium edule) and tuna (Thunnus sp.) on rats induced with streptozotocin-nicotinamide and a high-fat diet. | 2021 | Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal, 9(1), 258-266. |
ROHANA HIDAYATI (1) Purwanto, M.Sc., Ph.D., Apt. (2) Prof. Dr. Ir. Rustadi, M.Sc. (3) Dr. Ir. Ignatius Hardaningsih, M.Si. (4) Prof. Dr. Ir. Murwantoko, M.Si. (5) Dr. Dini Wahyu Kartika Sari, S.Pi., M.Si. (6) | GENETIC AND ALBUMIN MAPPING OF STRIPED SNAKEHEAD Channa striata IN INDONESIA; A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON FARM AND WILD POPULATION FROM FIVE MAIN ISLANDS | 2021 | Journal of Fish Biology |
Setyawan, G., & Helmiati, S. | Pengaruh substitusi tepung kedelai dengan tepung kayu apu (Pistia stratiotes) terfermentasi dalam pakan terhadap performa nila merah (Oreochromis sp.). | 2021 | Journal of Fish Nutrition, 1(2), 108-126. |
Kinayungan, P. P., & Helmiati, S. | PENGARUH SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG KEDELAI DENGAN TEPUNG LEMNA TERFERMENTASI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN NILA MERAH (Oreochromis sp.) | 2021 | Journal of Fish Nutrition, 1(2), 136-145. |
Adyatama, K., Setiawan, R. Y., Priyono, S. B., & Probosunu, N. | Perubahan Spasial Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Kendal Periode 1990-2020: Spatial Changes In The Coastal Area Of Kendal Regency Period 1990-2020. | 2021 | Jurnal Hidrografi Indonesia, 4(1), 1-12. |
Triyatmo, B., & Solin, M. Y. | Productivity of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei, Boone 1931) on semi-intensive cultivation ponds in Parangtritis Village, Bantul Regency. | 2021 | In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 919, No. 1, p. 012053). IOP Publishing. |
Adharini, R. I., Murwantoko, M., Probosunu, N., Setiawan, R. Y., & Satriyo, T. B. | The effectiveness of seaweeds as biofilter for reducing wastewater nutrient and preventing water pollution from hybrid grouper culture. | 2021 | Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 13(2), 133-143. |
Isnansetyo, A., Handayani, D. P., Istiqomah, I., Arif, A., & Kaneko, T. | An antibacterial compound purified from a tropical coastal plant, Diospyros maritima. | 2022 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 23(1). |
ISNANSETYO, A., ISTIQOMAH, I., ANSHARY, H., SRIWULAN, S., YUDIATI, E., SUBAGIYO, S., … & KARTIKASARI, D. W. | Identification and antibiotic-resistant properties of Vibrio owensii and V. alginolyticus isolated from the Spermonde Islands, Indonesia. | 2022 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 23(11). |
Handayani, D. P., Isnansetyo, A., Istiqomah, I., & Jumina, J. | New report: Genome mining untaps the antibiotics biosynthetic gene cluster of Pseudoalteromonas xiamenensis STKMTI. 2 from a mangrove soil sediment. | 2022 | Marine Biotechnology, 24(1), 190-202. |
Dewanti, A. R., Putri, A. O., Istiqomah, I., & Isnansetyo, A. | Safety, Adherence, Enzymatic Activities, and Application Effects of Oral Probiotic Candidates for Shortfin Eel (Anguilla bicolor bicolor). | 2022 | Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan Dan Kelautan, 14(2). |
Isnansetyo, A., Handayani, D. P., Istiqomah, I., Arif, A., & Kaneko, T. | An antibacterial compound purified from a tropical coastal plant, Diospyros maritima. | 2022 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 23(1). |
A’yun, N. Q., Syarifah, R. F., & Setyobudi, E. | Anisakis Infection of Belanger’s Croaker (Johnius Belangerii Cuvier 1830) at The Indian Ocean Coast of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. | 2022 | Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 15(1). |
Handayani, D. P., Isnansetyo, A., Istiqomah, I., & Jumina, J. | Anti‐Vibrio activity of Pseudoalteromonas xiamenensis STKMTI. 2, a new potential vibriosis biocontrol bacterium in marine aquaculture. | 2022 | Aquaculture Research, 53(5), 1800-1813. |
Husni, A., Izmi, N., Ayunani, F. Z., Kartini, A., Husnayain, N., & Isnansetyo, A. | Characteristics and antioxidant activity of fucoidan from Sargassum hystrix: Effect of extraction method. | 2022 | International journal of food science, 2022. |
Astuti, R. P., Isnansetyo, A., Pratiwi, R., & Hadisusanto, S | COMPARISON OF NUTRITIONAL AND PROTEASE ACTIVITY PROFILES OF TWO LIVE FEED CANDIDATES OF Pseudodiaptomus SPECIES. | 2022 | Indonesian Aquaculture Journal, 17(1), 45-51. |
Nugraha, T. A., Isnansetyo, A., Triyanto, & Djalil, M. | Fermented earthworms as a feed additive enhances non-specific immune response in catfish (Clarias gariepinus). | 2022 | Aquaculture International, 1-16. |
Kasanah, N., Seto, D. S., Ulfah, M., Peng, Z., & Triyanto. | First report on chemistry of a red seaweed Croisettea sp. from the coastal area of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. | 2022 | Marine Biology Research, 18(3-4), 215-221. |
Muliari, M., Akmal, Y., Irfannur, I., Zulfahmi, I., Isnansetyo, A., Istiqomah, I., … & Batubara, A. S. | Haematological responses of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus 1758) to exposure to effluent from palm oil mills. European | 2022 | Journal of Environmental Sciences, 12(2), 67-73. |
Utami, A. M. R., Murwantoko, M., Istiqomah, I., Triyanto, T., & Setyobudi, E. | Hysterothylacium amoyense (Nematoda: Raphidascarididae) infecting Trichiurus lepturus (Scombriformes: Trichiuridae) from Demak, Central Java, Indonesia. | 2022 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 23(2). |
ISNANSETYO, A., ISTIQOMAH, I., ANSHARY, H., SRIWULAN, S., YUDIATI, E., SUBAGIYO, S., … & KARTIKASARI, D. W. | Identification and antibiotic-resistant properties of Vibrio owensii and V. alginolyticus isolated from the Spermonde Islands, Indonesia. | 2022 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 23(11). |
Susanti, F., Adharini, R. I., Rahmi, K. A., Kartika Sari, D. W., & Kandasamy, G. | Identification of Gracilaria spp. in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Indonesia Based on DNA Barcoding Target Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit 1 | 2022 | ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 27(3). |
Heriyati, E., Rustadi, R., Isnansetyo, A., Triyatmo, B., Istiqomah, I., Deendarlianto, D., & Budhijanto, W. | Microbubble aeration in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) increased dissolved oxygen, fish culture performance, and stress resistance of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.). | 2022 | Trends in sciences, 19(20), 6251-6251. |
Septriani, N.I., Sukirno, S., Helmiati, S., Subiastuti, A.S., Putri, W.A., Nizma, N.D.A., Priyono, D.S. and Sofyantoro, F. | Pengembangan Maggot Sebagai Pakan Alternatif Budidaya Nila pada Kawasan Agrowisata Minapadi. | 2022 | JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 6(6), 4498-4505. |
Dewanti, A. R., Putri, A. O., Istiqomah, I., & Isnansetyo, A. | Safety, Adherence, Enzymatic Activities, and Application Effects of Oral Probiotic Candidates for Shortfin Eel (Anguilla bicolor bicolor). | 2022 | Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan Dan Kelautan, 14(2). |
Muarif, S., Sulistyaningsih, E., Suci Handayani, V. D., & Isnansetyo, A. | Substituting Sargassum sp. Compost for Inorganic Fertilizer Improves the Growth and Yield of Shallot (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum Group). | 2022 | Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 45(4). |
Rustadi, Samadan, G. M., Djumanto, & Murwantoko. | The effectiveness of sand and red tilapia rearing in absorbing nitrogen and phosphorus of liquid waste from Litopenaeus vannamei culture. | 2022 | AACL Bioflux |
Mulia, D. S., UTOMO, T., & ISNANSETYO, A. ( | The efficacy of Aeromonas hydrophila GPl-04 feed-based vaccine on African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). | 2022 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 23(3). |
Rahmi, K. A., Adharini, R. I., Sari, D. W. K., & Satriyo, T. B. | Detection of the presence and distribution of invasive fish in the Progo River, Yogyakarta, Indonesia using the environmental DNA method. | 2023 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 24(1). |
Setyobudi, E., Murwantoko, A.M.R Utami, R.F. Syarifah |
Anisakid nematodes from the largehead hairtail fish (Trichiurus lepturus) from the northern coast of Java, Indonesia. | 2023 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. 24(3): 1560-1568. |
Mulia, D.S. R. Raicha, C. Puspaning Lunggani, S. Nur Erina, J. Rochmijati Wuliandari, C. Purbomartono, A. Isnansetyo. | Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Banana, Cassave, and Pineapple Peels Against Fish Pathogen Aeromonas Hydophila. | 2023 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 24 (1): 481-485 |
Mulia, D.S., S. Dwi Rahayu, A. Suyadi, I. Mujahid, and A. Isnansetyo. | Antibacterial Activity of Mangrove Plant Extracy of Rhizophora apiculata in Inhibiting the Growth of Vatious Strains of Aeromonas hydrophila. | 2023 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 24 (9): 4803-4810 |
Basir, B., Kariyanti, and A. Isnansetyo. | Antibacterial Activity of Terrestrial and Coastal Plants from South Sulawesi Against Vibrio Disease. | 2023 | Marlin: Marine and Fisheries Science Technology Journal 4 (1): 49-56 |
Istiqomah, I., A. Isnansetyo, Murwantoko, D. P. Handayani, Y. N. Lestari, A. Taslihan, I. G. Ngurah Permanan, and E. Wijayanti. | Antibiotic Resistance of Emerging Pathogenis Bacteria of Hybrid Grouper Farming in Indonesia. | 2023 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 24 (4): 2493-2501 |
Gotama, T. L., Husni, A., & Isnansetyo, A. | Anticancer Activity of Fucoidan from Sargassum hystrix Against Lung Cancer Cells | 2023 | Transylvanian Review |
Novriadi, R., S. Malahayati, I. Istiqomah, A. Isnansetyo, F. Irawan, and O. D. S. Hasan. | Application of Fragmented Extracellular Self-DNA (esDNA) Concept as an Alternative Prophylactic Approach against Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio harveyi Infection in Brine Shrimp Artemia. | 2023 | Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research 25(4): 93-103 |
Puspita, I. D., S. Endah Ratnawati, H. Setiawan, Murwantoko, Ustadi, D. Ratkowsky, and M. Tamplin. | Bioproduction of Chitin Hydrolysate Containing N-Acetylglucosamine by Serratia marcescens PT6 Crude Chitinase and Its Effects on Bacterial Growth Inhibition in Various Temperature. | 2023 | ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering 23 (1): 1-13 |
Jalil, A. R., A. Wirasatriya, A. Malik, F. Ramdi, P. Rahmadi, G. Harsono, R. Y. Setiawan. | Cenderawasih Hot Pool: The Frequent High Sea Surface Temperature Phenomena at Cenderawasih Bay, Papua. | 2023 | Geography, Environment, Sustainability 16 (2): 77-83. |
Novriadi, R., Istiqomah, I., Isnansetyo, A., Balk, D., Jolly-Breithaupt, M., & Davies, S. | Corn fermented protein in production diets for pacific white legged shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei: Improved growth performance, health status and resistance to infection. | 2023 | Aquaculture Reports, 30, 101571. |
Athaa, F.F., Djumanto, S. Partosuwiryo, N. Probosunu | Correlation of otolith morphometrics with total length and weight of shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma Bleeker, 1851) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. |
2023 | Bioflux 16(2): 957-969. |
Husni, A., M. Gazali, Nurjanah, R. Syafitri, A. Matin, and Zuriat. | Cytotoxic Activity of Green Seaweed Halimeda tuna Methanolic Extract Against Lung Cancer Cells. | 2023 | Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Natural Science. |
Rahmi, K.A., R.I. Adharini, D.W.K. Sari, and T.B. Satriyo | Detection of the presence and distribution of invasive fish in the Progo River, Yogyakarta, Indonesia using the environmental DNA method. | 2023 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. 24 (1): 276-281 |
Nur, F.S., Suadi, Suwarman. | Enhancing Fishing Port Services Quality to Support Fish Supply Chains of the Island Fisheries at the Belitung Island. | 2023 | Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada. 25(1): 31-40. |
Nugroho, S. C., R. Y. Setiawan, M. D. Setiawati, Djumanto, S. B. Priyono, R. D. Susanto, A. Wirasatriya, R. F. Larasati | Estimation of Albacore Tuna Potential Fishing Grounds in the Southeastern Indian Ocean. | 2023 | IEEE Access 11: 1141-1147 |
Agustina, B.P., A. Ariasari, T.B. Satriyo, and E. Setyobudi. | Food Preference of Bullet Tuna (Auxis rochei Risso, 1810) in Prigi Coast of Trenggalek Regency, East Java. | 2023 | Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology. 8 (1): 1-11 |
Susanti, F., R.I. Adharini, D.W.K. Sari, E. Setyobudi | Genetic Diversity of Gracilaria spp. in the Intertidal Zone on the South Coast of Yogyakarta, Indonesia Based on DNA Barcoding with rbcL Marker |
2023 | HAYATI Journal of Biosciences. |
Agustin, V., M.M.P. Putra, and A. Husni. | Impact of Enzymatic Hydrolysis on Antioxidant Activity of Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) Head Protein Hydrolysate. | 2023 | Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan. 15(1). |
Gazali, M., O. Jolanda, A. Husni, Nurjanah, F.A.A. Majid, Zuriat, and R. Syafitri. | In Vitro α-Amylase and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity of Green Seaweed Halimeda tuna Extract from the Coast of Lhok Bubon, Aceh. | 2023 | Plants. 12(2): 393. |
Harlina, Rosmiati, A. Hamdillah, Syahrul, and A. Isnansetyo | Increased Non-Spesific Immune Activity of Vaname Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei Using a Leaf Flour Misture from Ocimum basilicum and Piper betle and Their Characteristic Compounds. | 2023 | Research Square: 1-23 |
Mulia, D.S., R. Pratiwi, W. Asmara, M. Azzam-Sayuti, I. Salwany Md Yasin, and A. Isnansetyo. | Isolation, Genetic Characterization, and Virulence Profiling of Different Aeromonas Species Recovered from Moribund Hybrid Catfish (Clarias spp.). | 2023 | Veterinary World 16 (9): 1974-1984 |
D Djumanto. | Lesser spiny eel (Macrognathus aculeatus) feeding preferences in the Progo River, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. | 2023 | International Journal of Bonorowo Wetlands 13 (1). |
Falah, I.N., R.I. Adharini, S.E. Ratnawati. | Molecular Identification of Elvers (Anguilla spp.) from River Estuaries in Central Java, Indonesia Using DNA Barcoding Based on mtDNA CO1 Sequences. | 2023 | Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan. 15(1): 121-130. |
Hardianto, E. and T.B. Satriyo | Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Commercially Important Asian Monsoon Scallop, Amusium pleuronectes (Linnaeus, 1758) from Indonesia. | 2023 | Jurnal Kelautan Tropis 26 (3): 442-450 |
Purbomartono, C. and A. Isnansetyo. | mproving Resistence Against Aeromonas hydrohila and Growth Performance by Oral Administration of Fucoidan from Padina boergesenii Allender & Kraft, 1983 in Catfish (Clarias sp.). | 2023 | Aquaculture, Aquarium, Coservation & Legislation Bioflux 16 (3): 1294-1304 |
Harvinda, Y., Ustadi, and M . M. P. Putra. | Production, purification and characterization of chitinase from Micromonospora sp. AR17. | 2023 | Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 28(1): 46-55 |
Gazali, M., I. Effendi, A. Husni, Nurjanah, S. Wahyuni, and R. Kurniawan. | Sargassum sp. extract improve hematological profile of tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus). | 2023 | F1000Research. 12(293).293. |
Iskandar, I., Q. W. Sari, R. Y. Setiawan, E. Siswanto, J. Ishazaka, A. Bahiyah, W. Mardiansyah, A. D. Puryajati | Seasonal and Interannual Variations of Surface Cholophyll-a in the Karimata Strait. | 2023 | International Journal of Remote Sensing: 1-14 |
Saksono, H., Z.N. A. Nissa, Suadi. | Small-Scale Fisher’s Livelihood Strategies: Findings from Case Studies in Several Indonesian Coastal Areas. | 2023 | Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada. 25(1): 9-18. |
Kuswoyo, T., Isnansetyo, A., Husni, A., & Istiqomah, I. | Sodium Alginate from Padina australis Modulates Innate Immune and Immune Gene Expression in Red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.). | 2023 | Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 15(1). |
M Nur, MF Rahardjo, CPH Simanjuntak, D Djumanto, K Krismono. | Spatial and temporal distribution of the endemic pirik fish (Lagusia micracanthus) in the Maros and Wallanae Cenrana Watersheds, South Sulawesi. | 2023 | Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal 28 (4). |
Al-Hammam, M. Y., M. M. P. Putra., A. H. Mardiansyah, G. Cahyati, dan I. D. Puspita. | The antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus sp. GMP1 and Weisella sp. GMP12 against some foodborne disease causing-bacteria. | 2023 | Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia 26(2): 206-215 |
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