Rohana Hidayati
Aquaculture Fisheries Supervisor at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.
One of the best episodes in life. The academic and socio-cultural experience in the university have enriched and shaped me the way I am today. Now that I work in the field, I get to apply the result and experience during research in the university for developing the fisheries and aquaculture program in the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. It helps me to set up the broodstock management and building up the genetic improvement program based on my experience during research and maintain the networking with the experts from the university. I am beyond grateful to call myself the alumni of Magister Ilmu Perikanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Muhammad Yaafi' Al-Hamamm
Staff Research and Development CV Pradipta Paramita
My master’s degree in Fisheries Science from UGM has been a cornerstone of my success in the field of probiotic research and development. It has not only provided me with essential knowledge and skills but also instilled in me a passion for innovation and sustainable aquaculture practices. I am deeply grateful for the education I received at UGM and would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to make a significant impact in the field of fisheries and aquaculture.
Dimas Rizky Hariyadi, S.S.T.Pi., M.Sc.
Lecturer (Civil Servant) at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Kupang Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic)
During my master's studies in the Fisheries Science Program (MIP) at Universitas Gadjah Mada, I gained highly valuable academic experiences. The well-structured curriculum and teaching materials significantly helped me develop deep analytical and research skills, especially in the field of aquaculture fisheries. The lecturers were highly skilled and provided broad, in-depth and easily understandable insights into the subjects.
The campus facilities were also very supportive, such as a comprehensive library, both offline and online, research laboratories, and opportunities to attend seminars and academic discussions. I was even given the opportunity to become one of the research assistants. The inclusive and positive campus environment allowed me to meet students and personnel from diverse backgrounds, enriching my experience socially, emotionally, and intellectually.
This overall experience not only enhanced my knowledge but also strengthened my professional skills and work ethic, which are crucial for my future career.
Aldino Dityanawarman, S.Pi, M.Sc
Office of Control and Supervision of Quality of Marine and Fisheries
The master's program in Fisheries Science at UGM has competent and comprehensive educators, aligned with the chosen specializations. The educators consistently involve and guide students in determining research themes.
Shima Bhaskara Ayuningrum
Lecturer at Fisheries academic institution of Yogyakarta
The master's program in Fisheries Science at UGM has given me the opportunity to pursue a fast-track program, allowing me to complete my studies more quickly. Competent lecturers, learning facilities, and a comfortable academic atmosphere. I was not only gaining knowledge, but also skills, resilience, and character. I am grateful to be an alumnus of Fisheries Science.