Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, with a geographical position between two continents, two oceans, and the transition of the Wallacea Line in the tropics. Indonesia has a strategic geopolitical position with large and diverse biological and non-living resource potential. Therefore, the utilization of the marine sector needs to be optimized to uphold national sovereignty, among others, through the development of education in various fields and levels, one of which is fisheries education.
Economic development and globalization, population growth, and awareness of the importance of fisheries resources to fulfill food and nutrition, maintain health, and as a source of industrial raw materials will cause pressure and utilization of fisheries resources to be greater and more intensive in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate and manage these resources so that they remain sustainable and can be utilized sustainably. This requires the availability of technology, innovation, and the availability of professional fisheries and marine experts. Thus, higher education at the master’s level or above is needed to create these personnel and experts.
Master of Fisheries Science Study Program (Magister Ilmu Perikanan/MIP) Universitas Gadjah Mada is committed to developing science and striving to encourage the progress of the nation as an archipelagic state through the educational process. Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada has a long experience—more than half a century—in organizing and managing fisheries higher education supported by very adequate facilities (laboratories, lecture rooms, seminar rooms, internet connections, online journals, etc.).
The curriculum of MIP is prepared with an epistemological, ontological, and axiological approach based on the needs of scientific development with various competency standards that have been required, such as the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia/KKNI) and various regulations and policies at the university, national, and international levels.
The compiled curriculum aims to create graduates of MIP as engineers and managers (managers) in an integrated manner who have a forward vision for fisheries development, a scientific mindset, and act to develop technology. Meanwhile, the competence of graduates of this study program is to be able to make fisheries business planning and its application, implement plans into real action, develop and innovate technology in the field of fisheries, and conduct evaluations.
- Yogyakarta is a city that is a barometer of the progress and quality of education in Indonesia.
- Yogyakarta is known as a city of students, a city of culture with a special status that provides a supportive atmosphere in the learning process.
- Yogyakarta and UGM are internationally known, giving students the opportunity to interact with international students.
- Yogyakarta is a “mini Indonesia” that gives students the opportunity to interact with students from various regions.
- The cost of living in Yogyakarta is relatively cheap.
- Yogyakarta has good infrastructure, so it is very easy to reach various regions in Indonesia, both by plane, train, bus, travel, and other modes of transportation.
- UGM is a leading university in Indonesia and internationally recognized.
- UGM has long experience organizing S1, S2, and S3 programs.
- UGM has very adequate facilities for the implementation of education, research, and service, as well as its supporting facilities (Health Center, Sport & Fitness Center, Appartment, Dormitory, Guest House, Study Centers, Information Centers, etc.).
Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, UGM has a long experience (more than 50 years) in fisheries higher education. - MIP-UGM has been accredited by BAN-PT with teaching staff who are alumni of various well-known foreign and domestic universities.
- MIP-UGM has adequate facilities in the form of comfortable lecture rooms, laboratories, field stations, internet connections, libraries, etc.
- Department of Fisheries UGM has an extensive network of cooperation at the level of ministries, local governments, research centers, international institutions, domestic and foreign universities, national pcenterscompanies, and professional organizations.
- Department of Fisheries UGM has scientific publications and national and international seminars that are held continuously.
- Department of Fisheries UGM has superior concepts and products developed through interdisciplinary research.